NeatConnect: Scan Directly to Neat Cloud

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Learn how to use your NeatConnect scanner to scan items directly to the Neat cloud service. With a Neat cloud service subscription, you can access the items you scan via:

Scan directly to Neat cloud

  1. On the NeatConnect touchscreen, swipe to the NeatCloud icon and scan your item(s).
    Neat Cloud - Scan directly to Neat cloud - Step 1
  2. After the images are processed and uploaded, they will be available in the Neat cloud service Inbox, under the From NeatConnect sub-folder.
    web app from neatconnect
  3. The Neat cloud service will automatically classify the items as receipts, contacts, or documents, extracting key information from receipts and contacts and providing a descriptive name for documents. You can then move and organize the items in your Neat cloud cabinet as you like.

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