What is this charge?

Help! I see a charge on my account and I don't know what it's for. If you are already a paid Neat cloud service subscriber, you may see a charge for your monthly or annual payment of your Neat cloud service.

Free Trial

The free trial allows you full access to Neat’s Software for a period of fourteen (14) days from the date that you activate the trial. By submitting your payment details, you accept the 14-Day Free Trial and authorize Neat to charge your credit card automatically at the end of the trial period. Neat will send an email reminder a few days prior to your trial converting to a paid membership/subscription. However, you will not receive a notice from Neat once your free trial period has ended or that the paying portion of your membership has begun. Neat reserves the right to withdraw or to modify the Free Trial Offer and/or the Terms and Conditions of the Free Trial at any time without prior notice and with no liability.

Multiple charges

If you recently made a purchase with Neat, and you see multiple charges on your account, the additional charges may be pre-authorizations. Pre-authorization is the practice within the banking industry of authorizing electronic transactions done with a debit card or credit card and holding this balance as unavailable until the hold is released.  A pre-authorization is NOT a charge and will be removed from your account within 2 to 10 business days depending on your financial institution's policy. Please contact your bank or credit card company directly for specific details. Read our full terms and conditions here. You may also see an additional $3.00 charge. This is a temporary charge that will be removed with the pre-authorization.

View my account billing information

When you log into your Neat account, you can view your subscription type and status. 

Please Note: If you activated your Neat Cloud with a PIN code you will not be able to access the billing portal as we do not have any of your billing information. You will, instead, be redirected to neat.com.

I live in PA, why was I charged 8% Sales Tax?

PA is an origin-based state, meaning Neat has to charge sales tax based on Neat's headquarters location rather than the customer's location. Neat's headquarters is located in Philadelphia where the sales tax is 8%.

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