Items & Item Management in Neat

Save various item types in Neat. In addition to Receipts, Contacts, and Documents, Neat also recognizes Invoices, Bills, Recipes, Statements, Checks, and Mileage.
Please Note: For the following you will need to be logged in to the Neat web app.

Item Management FAQs

How do I create a new item?

There are many ways to create new items in Neat: Neat also gives you the option of creating a new item without importing, emailing, or scanning. This feature is perfect for documenting transactions that may have a lost or destroyed record. Follow the steps below to learn how to:
    1. Click Create. Create can be located to the top right corner of the Neat.
    2. Select Files.
    3. Then select the type of item you want to create from the list provided.
    4. A blank record will open. Enter all the information you want included in your new item and select the folder you want the item to be saved in. By default, the item will be saved under the Unfiled folder in the Organize My Files section on the left, if you do not select a folder.
    5. Select Save from the bottom left corner of the window.
    6. The newly created item will be created in the folder you selected and a green Item Created window will pop up.
  • Please Note: If you would like to add an image to an item that you already created, you can do so following the steps here.


    How do I delete an item?

    There are many ways to delete an item in Neat.
    Please Note: When you delete items from your Neat cabinet, they are moved to the trash can and remain there until you empty your cabinet’s trash can.

    Option 1 – Drag & Drop

    1. Select the item(s) you want to delete and drag them to the trash can.
    2. Once hovering over the trash can, release your mouse.
    3. Your item(s) will be moved to the trash.


    Option 2 – Delete Item(s) from the Grid

    1. Put a check mark in front of the item(s) you want to delete, then click the trash button under the grid to the bottom left.
    2. Your item(s) will be moved to the trash.


    Option 3 – Delete from Item Edit View

    1. Double click on an item you want to delete to open the item editor.
    2. Click the trash button to the bottom left corner of the editor.
    3. Your item(s) will be moved to the trash.


    How do I move an item?

    Neat makes it easy to move items from one folder location to another, helping you keep your information as organized as possible.

    Option 1 – Drag & Drop

    1. Select the item(s) you want to move and drag them to the folder you want to move them to.
    2. Once hovering over the folder, release your mouse.
    3. Neat will reload and your item(s) will be moved to the selected folder.


    Option 2 – Move from Item Edit View

    1. Double click on an item you want to move to open the item editor.
    2. Under the Folder drop down, browse your cabinet and select the folder you want to move the item to.
    3. Select Save from the bottom left hand corner of the editor
    4. Neat will reload and your item(s) will be moved to the new folder.


    Option 3 – Right-click and Move

    1. Right click on an item you want to move.
    2. Select Move from the window.
    3. In the Move Item window, click the drop down, browse your cabinet, and select the new folder into which your item will move.
    4. Select Move when finished.
    5. Neat will reload and your item(s) will be moved to the new folder.


    How do I edit an item?

    1. Double-click on an item you would like to edit to open the item editor.
    2. Scroll through the various fields and categories and make changes as needed.
    3. Once you are done editing your item, select Save from the bottom left hand corner of the editor.
    Neat will reload and your changes will be saved.


    How do I copy an item?

    Copy files to save them in multiple folders or to add more than one expense category to a receipt. You can also see How to Copy Items in the Neat mobile app.
    1. Select one or more files, and right-click to access the action menu.
    2. Click Copy.
    3. Select the folder you want to save your copied file(s) in.
    4. Then click Copy to confirm your changes.
    Neat will work to make exact copies of your file(s). All images, categorizations, and notes will be copied and saved in the location you selected in step 3.

    How do I filter my items?

    You can filter your items to locate them easily in Neat.
    1. You can filter items from any view in Neat. Locate the items you want to filter from your File Cabinet, Needs Review section, shared folder, or trash from the menu to the left.
    2. At the top of the window, you will see a button labeled Filters.
    3. When you click on the dropdown arrow within Filters, you will see multiple options appear.
    4. If you click Item Type, you can select one or more item types to filter only the specific item types you want to view. This is optional but will help narrow your results.
    5. When you click on the dropdown arrow within the box labeled Filters, you will see multiple options appear. Here, you can filter items using the various column fields available in Neat. You can filter by as many of these categories as possible all at one time.
    6. Please Note: The options available in the Filters dropdown will change depending on the what Item Type you have selected. For example, if you select Receipts only, the filter options available will be specifically for receipts only. The options available if you select Documents only will be different. Selecting multiple Item Types will show less options since only common options will be displayed.


    How do I sort my items?

    Sorting can help you find your items in Neat. By default, items are sorted by the Date Added in descending order.
    You can sort the order of items displayed in Neat by clicking the top of any column. This will arrange your items alphabetically or numerically based on the column you select. Clicking the top of that column a second time will reverse the order.

    To sort by multiple columns:
    1. Click the Sort button.
    2. This opens a panel where you can set up to three levels of sorting based on the available columns. (Note that setting the Item Type under Filters will change which columns are available.)
    3. Select your first column option and choose whether to sort A-Z or Z-A.
    4. Click Add Additional Column to set your secondary sorting option. Again, you can set it to sort A-Z or Z-A. You can set a third column option if desired.
    5. To remove a sorting option, click the trash icon on the right.
    6. Click Apply to save your changes and view the results.
    7. You'll see a blue dot in the upper left of the Sort button to let you know sorting is currently applied.
    Note: Any change made to the columns (adding, removing, clicking the top of a column which sorts by that column) will remove previously set sorting options.

    How do I combine or separate items?

    Check out this Help Center Article to learn how to combine and separate your items.


    How do I reprocess and reclassify my items?

    You can reprocess items individually or in batches to change the data parsed in the item fields. This will also allow you to change the item type if desired.
    Please Note: Items that have been exported to accounting software are locked and cannot be edited or reprocessed.
    1. To begin, select the items you wish to reprocess and click the Reprocess button below the grid.
    2. In the Reprocess window, you have the option to check the box to Reclassify your item and then select the new item type.
    3. Click Reprocess to complete.


    How do I move items out of the Needs Review grid?

    In order to move items out of the Needs Review grid, you simply need to open the item. This allows you to review the item data and make changes as needed. Once viewed, the item's status will change and no longer appear in the Needs Review grid.


    Keep in mind that Needs Review is a status for new items that have not been looked at and is not a folder or location within Neat. The Needs Review grid is an easy, convenient way of viewing all items that have not been opened in Neat regardless of which folder they reside in. Once viewed the item will no longer be in Needs Review status. If that item was not already placed in a specific folder, it will appear in the Unfiled section under File Cabinet. You can change an item's location by dragging and dropping it in a folder or right-clicking it and selecting Move.
    Please Note: Moving an item with a status of Needs Review to a specific folder will not remove the item from the Needs Review grid. When an item's status is updated to reviewed, it will automatically be removed from the Needs Review grid.

    How do I create a new folder?

    1. Right-click on the location where you want to create your new folder and choose New.
    2. Enter the name of the new folder.
    3. Confirm the location. You can change the location by clicking the dropdown and choosing a new location.
    4. Click Create.

    What is the All Files folder?

    The All Files folder is a new virtual folder that presents every item in your file cabinet on one grid. This folder will allow users to filter all items regardless of what folder they belong to. This folder also supports all of the same filter and grid action items. For example: you can reprocess, send to accounting, export, combine, and separate from the All Files folder as well.

    Please Note: As a virtual folder, you will not be able to select this folder from the folder selection when moving items between folders or importing new items into Neat. Also, the All Files folder does not include transactions.

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