Logging into Neat

Check out our most frequently asked questions about accessing your Neat account below:



How do I login to my Neat account?

  1. Go to app.neat.com
  2. Enter your user name and password.


What are the Neat account password requirements?

     All Neat passwords must:
  • be at least nine characters in length
  • contain at least one symbol (!@)
  • contain at least one number (123)


    Do I have to login every time I want to use Neat?

    Yes, you do. However, you can check the Remember Me box to save your password and to streamline the login process.

    I forgot my password, how do I reset it?

    1. Go to app.neat.com
    2. Select Forgot Your Password under the password box.
    3. On the next screen, enter the email address associated with your Neat account.
    4. Click Submit.
    5. You will be sent an email to the address you provided. The email will come from no-reply@neatcloud.com. The subject is "Neat Password Reset Request". If you do not see the email, check your spam/junk mail folder.
    6. In the email, click the Confirm and Set New Neat Password link.
    7. You will be prompted to answer one of the security questions you created when you initially created your account. The answer is case sensitve and must match your original answer.
    8. Once you’ve successfully answered your security question, you will be prompted to enter and then re-enter your new password.
      Please Note: Your password should contain at least 9 characters, including at least 1 number, at least 1 special character (e.g. !, @, #, $, %, etc.). It cannot contain any spaces (not even at the end).
    9. Click Continue and you'll be presented with the sign in screen.
    10. Sign in with your new password to access your account.



    I know my password, how do I change it?

    1. Go to app.neat.com and login with your current password.
    2. Once logged in, click on your name at the top right corner of Neat.
    3. Select User Profile.
    4. Under Personal Information, locate password and click the change button next to it.
    5. In the Change Password box, enter your current password, enter, and re-enter your new password and click Save.


    How do I change my security questions?

    1. Go to app.neat.com and login.
    2. Once logged in, click on your name at the top right corner of Neat.
    3. Select User Profile.
    4. Under Personal Information, locate and click the Edit Security Questions link.

    5. In the Security Questions box, click on the drop downs to get a list of all the available security questions.
    6. Once you’ve selected your security questions, enter in the answer for each question and click Save.
    7. Neat will re-load and your security questions will be updated.

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