Neat Desktop App - Red Exclamation Point when Scanning or Uploading
If you see a red exclamation point while using the Neat Desktop App (NDA), try the troubleshooting steps below.
There are two situations where the red exclamation point appears:
- Scanning - You may see tiles or “squares” for each item you scanned but will not see an image, only the red exclamation point.
- Uploading - You may be able to scan and see images but then get the red exclamation point when uploading to Neat.
Troubleshooting Steps
Before you start, you can hover your mouse over the red exclamation mark and you should see a brief message with more details on what specifically went wrong. Take note of this if you need to contact support for this error.
Close the app first, then clear out the contents of this folder:
- Windows - C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Neat® Scan Utility
- macOS - Users\UserName\Library\Aplication Support\Neat® Scan Utility
Uninstall and Download a new copy of NDA and reinstall it.
Restart the computer and try again.
For scan issues: Move contents of the NeatScan folder to the desktop
- Windows: C:\Users\{username}\Pictures\NeatScan
- Mac: MacintoshHD\Users\{username}\Pictures\NeatScan
- Norton Settings
Open Norton Utilities > General > Developer Settings and uncheck the Allow Norton Utilities graphics to run outside the app.