Remote Assistance
How to Start the Connection
Please read the Remote Access Disclaimer below and then enter the code provided by the Neat Tech Support Agent.
Click here for steps on how to set up the connection.
By allowing Neat remote access, the Neat Company technical support personnel will have access to your files and control of your computer. For your own safety and understanding, Neat recommends you remain near the computer to observe the processes being
performed in an attempt to resolve your issue. Please be aware, we might need to access other areas of your computer, outside of the Neat software, in order to resolve your issue. The Neat Company strongly suggests that all data be properly backed up
prior to any technical support assistance. Remote access services are provided at your sole risk. Entering the 9-Digit Connection Code authorizes The Neat Company to Remote Access your computer to perform technical support services in accordance with
the terms of this disclaimer.
For Windows Customers: Technical support personnel will have 'View- Only' access to your computer upon connection, unless you provide full remote control to the support personnel via a confirmation window.