NeatDesk: Calibration

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The calibration process helps the scanner “see” correctly and therefore provide crisp, accurate scans by differentiating between black, white, shades of gray and other colors. This article will help you through the simple and quick process of calibrating your NeatDesk scanner. Neat may prompt you to calibrate the scanner during installation; however you may occasionally need to re-calibrate if scans appear faint or off-balance.

Calibrate your NeatDesk scanner

  1. In the Neat Scan Utility, Click Scan then Calibrate.
  2. The Scanner Calibration dialog box appears. Load the calibration sheet into the scanner, then click Calibrate.
  3. A message box will let you know that the calibration is in process, and another message box will appear when calibration is complete.
    If you notice that scans still appear faint or don’t look quite right, you may repeat the calibration process.

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