Please Note: You must be on an active Neat (Yearly) or Neat (Monthly) subscription in order to take advantage of the features in this article.
Create expense reports, tax category reports, and spending reports within the Transactions grid in Neat. Once created, it will be added to your library and you can download your report to share it with anyone who may need to view it for accounting or record keeping purposes.
What are the different types of File Cabinet reports?
The following briefly describes each type of report you can create in Neat:
Expense Report – Begins with a summary cover page (includes category subtotals and grand total), provides detailed column information from your grid, and includes the scanned images for your items. You cannot include locked items
in an expense report.
Tax Category – Groups your items with subtotals along with a grand total of all groups and also lists the date, category, total amount, and % of total for each item. Tax category reports allow you to add a subtitle and additional filters to your
report. You can also include images in your tax category report and choose to see 1, 2, or even 4 images per page. You can include locked items in a tax category report.
Spending Detail – Provides a subtotal for each grouping and includes the % of the subtotal amount for each item within a group. Spending detailed reports allow you to add a subtitle and additional filters to your report. You can also include
images in your spending detail report and choose to see 1, 2, or even 4 images per page. You can include locked items in a spending detail report.
Spending Summary – Breaks down the number of expenses for each group in addition to a subtotal for each grouping and includes the % of the subtotal amount for each item within a group. Spending summary reports allow you to add a subtitle
and additional filters to your report. You can also include images in your spending summary report and choose to see 1, 2, or even 4 images per page. You can include locked items in a spending summary report.
Sales Tax - Reports the sales tax for selected items along with the date, category, subtotal, and % of total for each group; concludes with a grand total of all items in the report. Sales tax reports allow you to add a subtitle and additional filters
to your report. You can also include images in your sales tax report and choose to see 1, 2, or even 4 images per page. You can include locked items in a sales tax report.
How do I create an expense report?
An expense report will show you a detailed summary of all the expenses included in the report.
First click Reports at the top right hand corner.
Be sure to click on Expense Report to begin creating your report.
The next window will allow you to set filters to refine your report.
Please Note: If you receive the message "Oops. The filters you've selected returned ZERO Items.", then please check your filters and try again.
Once you have your filters set, you can click Next Step to finish out your report. Here you can add a Title (a required field), description of your report, notes and comments, select a folder to store your report. You can also group, sort and include images in your report.
Once you finish adding your final touches to the report, click Create in the bottom right corner then your report will be generated and can be accessed in your Saved Reports folder in your File Cabinet.
How do I create a tax category report?
A tax category report will organize your items by your selected tax categories and provide subtotals for each category as well as a grand total of all items included in the report.
First select Reports at the top right hand corner.
Be sure to click on Tax Category to begin creating your report.
The next window will ask you to choose between Transactions and Receipts/Mileage. Choose Transactions.
The next window will allow you to set filters to refine your report. You are able to choose from Date, Account, Vendor and Reconciled.
Once you have your filters set, you can click Next Step to finish out your report. Here you can add a Title (a required field), description of your report, notes and comments, select a folder to store your report. You can also group, sort and include images in your report.
Once you finish adding your final touches to the report, click on Create in the bottom right corner then your report will be brought to your report details.
How do I create a spending detail report?
A spending detail report will organize the purchases included in the report by group. It will provide subtotals for each group you selected (vendor, expense category, payment type, client, or project) as well as provide a grand total of all items.
First select Reports at the top right hand corner.
Be sure to click on Spending Detail to begin creating your report.
The next window will ask you to choose between Transactions and Receipts/Mileage. Choose Transactions.
The next window will allow you to set filters to refine your report. You are able to choose from Date, Account, Vendor and Reconciled.
Once you have your filters set, you can click Next Step to finish out your report. Here you can add a Title (a required field), description of your report, notes and comments, select a folder to store your report. You can also group, sort and include images in your report.
Spending Summary Step 2
Once you finish adding your final touches to the report, click on Create in the bottom right corner then your report will be brought to your report details.
How do I create a spending summary report?
A spending summary report provides an overview of your expenses by the grouping you select. Choose from vendor, expense category, payment type, client, or project. This report includes subtotals for each group as well as a grand total of all items included in the report.
First select Reports at the top right hand corner.
Be sure to click on Spending Summary to begin creating your report.
The next window will ask you to choose between Transactions and Receipts/Mileage. Choose Transactions.
The next window will allow you to set filters to refine your report. You are able to choose from Date, Account, Vendor and Reconciled.
Once you have your filters set, you can click Next Step to finish out your report. Here you can add a Title (a required field), description of your report, notes and comments, select a folder to store your report. You can also group, sort and include images in your report.
Once you finish adding your final touches to the report, click on Create in the bottom right corner then your report will be brought to your report details.
How do I create a sales tax report?
First select Reports at the top right hand corner.
Be sure to click on Sales Tax Report to begin creating your report.
The next window will ask you to choose between Transactions and Receipts/Mileage. Choose Transactions.
The next window will allow you to customize your report using various filters including Date, Vendor, Folder, Category, etc. Once your filters are set, click on Next Step.
Once you click Next Step to finish out your report. Here you can add a Title (a required field), description of your report, notes and comments, select a folder to store your report. You can also group, sort and include images in your report. Once complete, you can click Create to have your report created.
My report is taking a long time to generate, is something wrong?
If your report is taking a long time to generate, then it is probably because you chose to include images in your report. Reports will take a longer time to generate if images are included because behind the scenes, the Neat Cloud has to build out your report, locate all the images, resize the images if needed and then generate them on your report.
If your report is taking a long time to generate, then we recommend closing the report and re-opening it. Reports are not refreshed in the item report view, so you need to close the report and re-open it for it to refresh.
What is the Profit and Loss Statement?
A summary of the revenues, costs, and expenses your company incurred during a specified period.
The following Chart of Accounts categories flow through to your P&L statement:
Cost of Goods Sold
Please Note: Other Expenses & Non-Business Expenses do not flow to your P&L statement.
To run a P&L statement, click on Profit & Loss Statement in Reports. You can adjust the statement's specified period by clicking on the date dropdown to the top left of the statement. In the calendars, choose the start date on the left then set the end date on the right. Alternatively, you can type the Start and End Date below the calendars. Then click Save.
You can toggle between a summary report, that shows you a basic summary of your P&L statement using the chart of account parent categories, or a detailed report that provides a detailed breakdown using both the chart of account parent categories and their child categories.
Click on the Export button in the top right corner to export your statement to a PDF file, a CSV file, or to email the statement directly to your CPA or accountant.
Please Note: At this point, you cannot save a P&L statement in Neat. This is a feature enhancement that is coming soon. In the meantime, you can send a copy of your statement to your Neat Cloud email-in address.
To view the transactions for any line in the Profit and Loss Statement, click the amount (other than $0.00).
Select View Breakdown to see the sum of your transactions by category.
When finished viewing the transactions, click Back to Profit and Loss to return to the report.
What is the Balance Sheet?
A snapshot of your company's finances, including assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity.
The following Chart of Accounts categories flow through to your balance sheet:
To run a report for your Balance Sheet, click on Balance Sheet in Reports. You can adjust the sheet's specified as of date by clicking on the date dropdown to the top left of the statement.
You can toggle between a summary report, that shows you a basic summary of your Balance Sheet using the chart of account parent categories, or a detailed report that provides a detailed breakdown using both the chart of account parent categories and their child categories.
Click on the Export button in the top right corner to export your statement to a PDF file, a CSV file, or to email the statement directly to your CPA or accountant.
What is the Cash Flow Statement?
The Cash Flow Statement provides data on how cash flows in and out of the business for a specific date range. Your Cash Flow activities are divided in the following sections:
Cash Flow from Operating Activities - a list of operating activities that resulted in cash received or paid by the business.
Cash Flow from Investing Activities - a list of investing activities that include the purchase or sale of fixed and/or long-term assets.
Cash Flow from Financing Activities - a list of financing activities that include proceeds received from a loan or fixed liability and payments made to a loan or fixed liability.
Total Cash Flow increase/(decrease) - the calculated amount of the increase or decrease in cash for the report period.
You can toggle between a summary or a detailed statement in the upper right.
The Summary will present the sum total for each of the Cash Flow activities.
The Detailed report presents a breakdown of the individual accounts and/or categories used to calculate the Cash Flow activity.
Click on the Export button in the top right corner to export your statement to a PDF file, a CSV file, or to email the statement directly to your CPA or accountant.
What is a Transactions Report?
The Transactions Report allows you to export your streamed transactions from your financial institutes including your journal entries to a CSV or PDF file.
You can filter your Transactions Report by Date, Vendor, Category, Reviewed Status, and Financial Account
You can toggle Line Items to see a detailed export of your transactions
Click on the Export button in the top right corner to export your report to a PDF file, a CSV file, or to email the statement directly to your CPA or accountant.
Click on the transaction's amount to preview and even edit and update your transaction.