Neat Scanners: Overview

Learn all about the different Neat scanners. All of the Neat scanners--NeatMobile, NeatDesk, and NeatConnect--can be used to scan items to the Neat software on your computer and then add the items to the Neat Cloud Service by syncing.
NeatReceipts - NeatReceipts is a portable scanner that can be used to scan receipts, business cards, and documents on the go. This slim and lightweight device can easily fit into your briefcase, bag, or carry-on. It doesn’t require AC power — just plug its USB into your computer and it’s good to go.

NeatDesk - NeatDesk is a high speed duplex scanner that allows you to scan up to 24 receipts, business cards, or document pages per minute. With NeatDesk you can scan up to 50 pages at once to speedily create digital versions of your paper records.

NeatConnect - NeatConnect removes the need for a cord or a computer. With the NeatConnect WiFi scanner, you can send items directly to Neat, create reports, edit data, and share files from anywhere, with Neat and the Neat mobile app. You can also scan directly to the Neat Cloud Service using the scanner's built-in touchscreen menu.