Folder Management in Neat

Create, edit, or delete folders in Neat. Check out the following FAQs for steps on how to manage your folders.
Please Note: For the following you will need to be logged in to the Neat web app.


Where are my folders located in the Neat web app?

You can locate your custom created folders in your Cabinet under the Organize My Files section, located in the left hand menu.

How do I create a new folder or sub-folder in Neat?

There are two ways you can create a new folder in the Neat.

Option 1

  1. Select Organiz My Files, from the left hand menu.
  2. Right-click on My Cabinet or on any folder under My Cabinet and select New.

  3. In the New Folder window, select the location for your new folder.
  4. Enter a name for your folder, then select Create.
  5. Neat will re-load and your new folder will be in the location you selected in step 3.

Option 2

  1. Select Organize My Files, from the left hand menu.
  2. Click the little + button, next to My Cabinet or next to any of your custom folders.

  3. In the New Folder window, select the location for your new folder.
  4. Enter a name for your folder, then select Create.
  5. Neat will re-load and your new folder will be in the location you selected in step 3.

How do I rename a folder in Neat?

  1. Locate the folder you want to rename.
  2. Right-click on the folder and select Rename.

  3. In the Rename Folder window, enter the new name for your folder then select Rename.
  4. Neat will re-load and your folder name will be updated.

How do I move a folder in Neat?

There are two ways you can move a folder in the Neat.

Option 1 – Drag & Drop

  1. Locate the folder you want to move.
  2. Select the folder and drag it to the new location.
  3. Neat will re-load and your folder will be moved to the selected location.

Option 2 – Right-Click

  1. Locate the folder you want to move.
  2. Right-click on the folder and select Move.

  3. In the Move Folder window, select a new location for the folder from the drop down list then select Move.
  4. Neat will re-load and your folder will be moved to the selected location.

How do I duplicate my folders in Neat?

  1. Locate the folder(s) you want to copy. In our example, we want to copy the folder 2021 including it's subfolders.

  2. Right-click on the folder you want to copy and click Duplicate.

  3. In the Duplicate Folder window, you can choose to include subfolders by clicking the Include Subfolders checkbox. The Location Dropdown Box allows you to select where you want your folder(s) to be duplicated to in your file cabinet. The Name Box allows you to name the main folder. By default, Neat will name your duplicated folder with the [Copy] label.

  4. In our example, we renamed the folder to 2022.

  5. When you are ready click Create.
  6. Neat will process your request and you will receive a confirmation message when it is done.

  7. You can click the link to be taken to your new folders or search for them in your cabinet.

How do I delete a folder in Neat?

There are two ways you can delete a folder in the Neat.
Please Note: When you delete a folder from your Neat cabinet, the folder is moved to the Trash can and will remain there until you empty your cabinet’s trash can.

Option 1 – Drag & Drop

  1. Locate the folder you want to delete.
  2. Select the folder and drag it to the Trash.
  3. Neat will re-load and your folder will be moved to the Trash.

Option 2 – Right-Click

  1. Locate the folder you want to move to the trash.
  2. Right-click on the folder and select Trash.

  3. Neat will re-load and your folder will be moved to the Trash.

How do I share a folder in Neat?

Please Note: For more information and for FAQs on sharing your folders, click here.
  1. Locate the folder you want to share.
  2. Right-click on the folder and select Share.

  3. In the Share window, enter the email address of the person you would like to share the folder with.
  4. Optional: Enter a message.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Neat will re-load and the person you shared your folder with will receive an email notification.

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