File Fields & Categories in Neat

Please Note: For the following you will need to be logged in to the Neat web app.

File Field & Category FAQs

How do I set my tax categories?

Neat provides you with a long list of US and Canadian tax categories in the tax category file classification field that you can use to track your expenses in Neat. You can set which tax categories you see in this drop-down in your Account Settings.

  1. Click on your name at the top right-hand corner of Neat.
  2. Click Account Settings in the drop-down.
  3. Scroll down in your account settings to the System Defaults section.
  4. Click on the Tax Categories drop-down and select which tax categories you want to track in Neat.
    • US Only - All US tax categories will be available in your Tax Categories drop-down.
    • Canadian Only - All Canadian tax categories will be available in your Tax Categories drop-down.
    • US & Canadian - All US & Canadian tax categoires available in Neat will be available in your Tax Categories drop-down.
  5. Click Set to finalize your changes.

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