Neat Scanners: Troubleshoot Calibration Issues

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The Neat Company has released a small utility that gives you a smooth, easy way to calibrate all NeatReceipts and NeatWorks scanners.

Note: To find out which scanner you have, turn it over and find the model number on the white label on the bottom.

This article provides a step-by-step guide to using the Scanner Maintenance Utility for the following scanner models:

  • NM-1000
  • ND-1000
  • ADF-070108
  • SCSA4601EU

To calibrate any of those models, follow these steps:

  1. Get the calibration sheet that came with your scanner. If you no longer have that calibration sheet, use a white sheet of paper.
  2. Close NeatReceipts Professional or NeatWorks and the Neat Quick Scan Center.
  3. Right-click the following link, and then choose Save Target As to save the setup file to your computer:
  4. Find and double-click SMU.exe, the setup file for the Scanner Maintenance Utility.
  5. In the Open File – Security Warning dialog box, click Run.
    Open File - Security Warning dialog box
  6. In the Chilkat Zip Self-Extractor dialog box, do one of the following:
    • Click Zip to unzip the installation files for the Scanner Maintenance Utility to the same folder where you saved SMU.exe, and then click Close.
    • Click Browse, and then choose another place to unzip the installation files for the Scanner Maintenance Utility, and then click Close.
      Chilkat Zip Self-Extractor dialog box
  7. Go to wherever you unzipped the installation files in step 6 and open the folder Scanner Maintenance Utility.
  8. Double-click ScannerMaintenanceUtility.exe, and in the Scanner Maintenance Utility dialog box, follow the directions onscreen to calibrate your scanner.
    Scanner Maintenance Utility dialog box
  9. When you see a message that says “Calibration Success!” click OK.
    Calibration success!

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